Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg

Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg documentary filmmaker 360 degree video specialist video production

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Results and outcomes regarding video production

Democracy drama: Olaf Scholz's farewell speech public! The explosive leak in...

Your support for such video productions! ... »

A shocking revelation shocked the public: Olaf Scholz's farewell speech at a demo in Weissenfels on October 30, 2023 was leaked. In the speech, Scholz reflects on his political career, emphasizes successes and is self-critical. The surprise of the leak: The SPD is dissolved, which shakes up political events in Germany. The video provides explosive insights into this political earthquake.

Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg - the best way to record events, meetings, concerts, talks, theater performances...
for publication on the web, TV, on BluRay, DVD

Realize demanding projects with limited resources?

Usually it is impossible to combine both. Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg is the exception to the rule. The cameras we use are modern models with large, latest-generation 1-inch image sensors of the same type. Excellent image quality is achieved even in difficult lighting conditions. The cameras can be operated remotely with the programmable motor pan-tilts, which reduces personnel expenditure and saves costs.

These are included among other services

Video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

When it comes to multi-camera recording and video production, Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg is your partner. We use cameras of the same type. Basically, at least 4K/UHD is recorded. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p as well.
Video production of concerts, theater performances, readings ...

When it comes to video recording theater performances, concerts, readings, etc., we naturally use the multi-camera method. Only through multi-camera video production is it possible to record many areas of the event simultaneously in image and sound. We rely on modern cameras that are remote-controlled. The very varied alignment of the cameras takes place from a central point. It only takes one person to control all the cameras. Additional cameramen are not required.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

In this area, too, we can draw on a wealth of experience based on many years of activity. This resulted in several hundred TV reports and video reports. The topics were as varied as the places reported on. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. We are able to research for you in all conceivable areas and to produce video contributions and TV reports.
Video recording of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

Depending on what the client wants and how the situation is on site, several cameras are also used for interviews, rounds of talks, discussion events, etc. Two cameras are sometimes sufficient if the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person. More than two cameras are always necessary when it comes to interviews and conversations with several people. Depending on whether it is an event with an audience, remote-controlled cameras can also be used here. There is no need for a motor pan tilt when it comes to discussions without an audience.
Video editing, video adjustment, audio editing

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is understandably only one side of the coin. After the video recording, the video editing inevitably follows. When cutting the video material, audio tracks and soundtracks are also viewed and adjusted. If additional text and image material is to be integrated, this is not a problem. Logos and blurbs can also be designed and integrated. You can also submit existing image, text, video and audio material. If, for example, the audio tracks of a concert recording are to be mastered, we can do this or you can supply it as a file.
Manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small quantities

Do you need CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs in small quantities? Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg is your partner. In terms of archiving, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer a number of advantages. Hard drives, USB sticks and memory cards don't last forever. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs lack electronic components. Thus, these potential weak points and causes for data loss are missing. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs for music and video are therefore the first choice as a souvenir, as a gift or for sale.

Results and outcomes regarding video production
Strong together against drugs - The Goethegymnasium Weißenfels in the fight against drug abuse - A TV report with interviews with students, teachers, Silvio Klawonn and Hans-Jürgen Neufang about the importance of cohesion and prevention.

Prevention is better than cure - The Goethegymnasium Weißenfels in action against drug abuse ... »
Local history from Markwerben: The shepherd, Reese and Ernst, and the unconventional life with many women.

The sheep farm of Markwerben: A fascinating local story with Reese and Ernst and their ...»
Bad Bibra's fairytale parade 2022: A preview of the coming spectacle

Fairytale ambience: impressions of the largest parade of its kind in ... »
A love story from Kayna: Murder and the devil - local stories with a dramatic course.

Home stories of love, murder and the devil in Kayna - The tragic death of a ... »
"In the footsteps of the Heavenly Paths": TV report from the 7th Heavenly Paths Run at Arche Nebra with Waldemar Cierpinski and André Cierpinski

"7th Himmelswege-Lauf at Arche Nebra": Impressions of the running event with ... »
Amy, als leidenschaftliche Bildungswandlerin, Lernbegleiterin und Mama, spricht mit Christine Beutler über die spannenden Themen neuer Lernorte, Schulgründungen und den Transformationsprozess, durch den Eltern ihre innere Stärke finden.

In einem Gespräch mit Christine Beutler erkundet Amy, die enthusiastische Bildungswandlerin, ... »
Watch it live: Recording of the demonstration against traffic light games in Weissenfels on September 18th, 2023

Pictures and impressions: Video documentation of the END WITH THE AMPELSPIEELCHEN demo in ... »
The chimney builder - the opinion of a resident of the Burgenland district

The chimney builder - the citizens' voice of the Burgenland ... »
District Administrator Götz Urlich and the Mayor of Lützen sign an agreement for the expansion of the Lützen Museum for mass graves and a Gustav Adolf memorial with funding and personal contribution - Interview with Katja Rosenbaum.

Interview with Katja Rosenbaum: District Administrator Götz Urlich and the Mayor of ...»
In a video interview, Toni Mehrländer from Zeitz in the Burgenland district, Saxony-Anhalt, talks about how a hobby gamer can become an eSports professional and earn money with it.

In a video interview, Toni Mehrländer from the Burgenland district, Saxony-Anhalt, ... »
Mechthild Reinhard and Matthias Ohler at a fireside chat in Naumburg

Fireside chat with Mechthild Reinhard and Matthias Ohler in ... »
Trainer Dagmar Ritter in an interview about the importance of youth sports events in the Weißenfels Rowing Club.

TV report on the successful cooperation between Weißenfelser Stadtwerke and rowing clubs ... »

Videoproduktion und Multimedia Freyburg cross border
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अपडेट किया गया Theresa Kanwar - 2024.09.16 - 20:24:26